Green Steps ARK


If you feel like sailing to new shores, then you are probably what we call a Commons Mentor. Commons Mentors spearhead environmental education in a specific territory and thereby support Impact Communities.
In order to start a commons as Learning Space on the ARK, you need to have registered an Impact Community and we recommend that you have already a team to take on this project.
Mentor teams of existing commons will support you and you will be able to draw on a growing database of species entries and activity best practices, but you will need to build a crowd, curate specimens and develop routes. Don’t worry! It’s going to be a fun ride and you have lots of tail wind.

What is a Commons Mentor

  • A Commons Mentor has an above average understanding of the local ecosystem.
  • A Commons Mentor has a deep connection the local ecosystem and feels confident to curate and review specimen entries.
  • A Commons Mentor is ideally a proam, i.e. somebody who facilitates experimental learning and therefore knows about the value of this platform.
  • A Commons Mentor is a role model user online & offline.

What are Commons

Commons are human scale ecosystems. They have been defined as “the undivided land belonging to the members of a community as a whole” (Gary Snyder). Modern economies are largely deprived from genuine commons, but the village or countryside municipality comes very close to what commons originally meant to a local population: jointly managing its resources and deciding over its development. 

Watch this online course to learn more about the commons concept. 

Check out below chart to understand how we picture commons as part of a global organizational structure.

Commons are human scale Learning Spaces. As opposed to schools and classrooms, commons encompass an up to 100 km2 territory which can be as large as an entire municipality or a large district of a metropolis. Commons are ecosystems rather than single buildings and within these systems learners of all ages improve their understanding of about the interconnectedness and mutual dependence of life.

The Commons Mentor

Commons Mentors contribute to resurrection of the commons.  They practice indigenous learning and behaviour by caring for ecosystems and help the communities which live in a commons thrive. Commons Mentors

  • mentor Learning Communties
  • moderate a commons
  • review new mappings and make suggestions on improvments


The Commons Mentor and other ARK roles