Gas hit for the first time a price of EUR 2/liter. This threshold threatens the food production system: it is a red flag suggesting us to move away from industrial agriculture.
For the last two years we have built a nonprofit platform which empowers organizations and individuals who offer education for sustainable development.
Since this month we shifted our focus on a new functionality which revolutionizes environmental education and pioneers the internet of nature.
The Evolution and Future of Work
In the earliest age of humanity, hunter-gatherers followed natural rhythms, and each subsequent stage of evolution was based on mutual exploitation. With the world’s population growing by a billion people every decade, the return to nature cannot be a bucolic return to the land: jobs must be based on impact.
“If two people live in an apartment, and there are two bathrooms, Then both have freedom of the bathroom. You can go to the bathroom anytime you want, stay as long as you want, for whatever you need”
ARK Release 14.01.2022
Provide participants with facilitation materials, or share some in-depth contribution about the location or the activity design
ARK Release 06.12.2021
Hello crew!
With these posts we keep you updated with every step forward we make on the ARK!
Glasgow’s COP26 climate conference has disappointed again and we need to conclude that nothing can be expected from diplomatic conferences. Read in this essay about 1. futile and expensive UN conferences; 2. US leadership in climate change; 3. the responsibility of consumers; 4. the silver bullet carbon tax and how it connects to the universal basic income; and 5. technology as panacea.
Learning What Matters. Now.
Join the upcoming premiére screening of “Learning What Matters. Now” on UN World Children Day (November 21st) in St. Pölten.
ARK Release 29.10.2021
Hello crew!
With these posts we keep you updated with every step forward we make on the ARK!
Documentary Screening on Erasmus Day
During Erasmus day, Green Steps was invited by JugendInfo St.Pölten to screen for the first time its documentary about the Hoopoe Summit in front of 12 ESC volunteer from Europe, Russia and Peru. Author: Gloria Corradini From the 14th to the 16th of October the Erasmus days took place and on the 14th , Green […]